Source code for genomeview.bamtrack

import collections
import logging
import pysam

import os

from genomeview.track import Track
from genomeview.intervaltrack import Interval, IntervalTrack
from genomeview import MismatchCounts
from genomeview.utilities import match_chrom_format
from genomeview.graphtrack import GraphTrack

def allreads(read):
    return True

def color_by_strand(interval):
    # brightness = 0.2 + (cur_reads[0].mapq/40.0*0.8)

    if interval.strand == "-":
        color = "red"
            color = "pink"
        color = "purple"
            color = "blue"
    return color
[docs]class SingleEndBAMTrack(IntervalTrack): """ Displays bam as single-ended reads Attributes: nuc_colors (dict): defines the SVG colors used to display mismatched nucleotides insertion_color, deletion_color, clipping_color (str): SVG colors for insertions, deletions and soft/hard clipping quick_consensus (bool): specify whether the quick consensus mode should be used. When activated, mismatches wrt the reference genome are only shown when at least several reads support a variant at that position (useful when displaying high-error rate data types eg pacbio). Only relevant if draw_mismatches is also True. (default: True) draw_mismatches (bool): whether to show mismatches with respect to the reference genome. (default: True). include_secondary (bool): whether to draw alignments specified as "secondary" in the BAM flags (default: True). include_read_fn: callback function used to specify which reads should be included in the display. The function takes as its only argument a read (pysam.AlignedSegment) and returns True (yes, display the read) or False (no, don't display). If this function is not specified, by default all reads are shown. """ def __init__(self, bam_path, name=None): """ Args: bam_path (str): path of the bam file to display name (str): name of the track (optional - use None if you don't want to specify a name) """ super().__init__([], name=name) self.bam_path = bam_path self.bam = pysam.AlignmentFile(bam_path) self.intervals = self self.mismatch_counts = None self.nuc_colors = {"A":"blue", "C":"orange", "G":"green", "T":"black", "N":"gray"} self.insertion_color = "purple" self.clipping_color = "cyan" self.deletion_color = "cyan" self.quick_consensus = True self.draw_mismatches = True self.include_secondary = True self.min_indel_size = 0 self.min_insertion_label_size = 5 self.min_cigar_line_width = 2 self.draw_read_labels = False self.include_read_fn = allreads # self.color_fn = color_by_strand
[docs] def fetch(self): """ Iterator over reads from the bam file Overload this method in subclasses to feed this track reads from a different source (for example, reads that are already in memory, rather than being read from a file). """ chrom = self.match_chrom_format(self.scale.chrom) start, end = self.scale.start, self.scale.end for read in self.bam.fetch(chrom, start, end): if not self.include_read_fn or self.include_read_fn(read): yield read
def __iter__(self): c = 0 for i, read in enumerate(self.fetch()): c += 1 if read.is_unmapped: continue if read.is_secondary and not self.include_secondary: continue id_ = read.query_name + str(i) interval = Interval(id_, self.scale.chrom, read.reference_start, read.reference_end, not read.is_reverse) = read if self.draw_read_labels: interval.label = read.query_name yield interval
[docs] def match_chrom_format(self, chrom): """ Ensures that the input argument `chrom` matches the chromosome name formatting in the bam file being visualized (ie "chr14" vs "14"). """ return match_chrom_format(chrom, self.bam.references)
def layout(self, scale): super().layout(scale) self.reset_mismatch_counts() def reset_mismatch_counts(self): if self.quick_consensus and self.draw_mismatches: self.mismatch_counts = MismatchCounts( self.scale.chrom, self.scale.start, self.scale.end) # workaround for some quirk of pysam with crams and large cigars # (or something like that, opening a fresh file handle seems to fix the issue) bam = pysam.AlignmentFile(self.bam_path) self.mismatch_counts.tally_reads(bam) def layout_interval(self, interval): super().layout_interval(interval)
[docs] def draw_interval(self, renderer, interval): """ Draw a read and then, if ``self.draw_mismatches`` is True, draw mismatches/indels on top. """ yield from super().draw_interval(renderer, interval) if self.draw_mismatches: yield from self._draw_cigar(renderer, interval)
def _draw_mismatch(self, renderer, length, genome_position, sequence_position, yoffset, alnseq): extras = {"stroke":"none"} for i in range(length): if genome_position+i < self.scale.start: continue if genome_position+i >= self.scale.end: break alt = alnseq[sequence_position+i] try: ref = self.scale.get_seq(genome_position+i, genome_position+i+1) except AssertionError: logging.warn("Unable to get reference sequence; will not draw mismatches") return if alt != ref: curstart = self.scale.topixels(genome_position+i) curend = self.scale.topixels(genome_position+i+1) color = self.nuc_colors[alnseq[sequence_position+i]] if not self.mismatch_counts or alt=="N" or self.mismatch_counts.query(alt, genome_position+i): width = max(curend-curstart, self.min_cigar_line_width) midpoint = (curstart+curend)/2 yield from renderer.rect(midpoint-width/2, yoffset, width, self.row_height, fill=color, **extras) def _draw_deletion(self, renderer, length, genome_position, yoffset): extras = {"stroke":"none"} if length > self.min_indel_size: curstart = self.scale.topixels(genome_position) curend = self.scale.topixels(genome_position+length+1) if genome_position > self.scale.end: return if genome_position+length < self.scale.start: return width = max(curend-curstart, self.min_cigar_line_width*2) midpoint = (curstart+curend)/2 ymid = yoffset+self.row_height/2 yield from renderer.rect(midpoint-width/2, yoffset, width, self.row_height, fill="white", **extras) yield from renderer.line(midpoint-width/2, ymid, midpoint+width/2, ymid, stroke="black", **{"stroke-width":1}) def _draw_insertion(self, renderer, length, genome_position, yoffset): if length > self.min_indel_size: curstart = self.scale.topixels(genome_position-0.5) curend = self.scale.topixels(genome_position+0.5) if genome_position > self.scale.end: return if genome_position < self.scale.start: return midpoint = (curstart+curend)/2 stroke_width = 1 width = stroke_width ibeam_extension = 1.0 font_size = self.row_height * 0.8 draw_label = False length_string = str(length) label_width = len(length_string) * font_size * 0.9 if length >= self.min_insertion_label_size: draw_label = True else: if label_width < self.scale.relpixels(length*1.5): draw_label = True if draw_label: width = label_width yield from renderer.line( midpoint-width/2-ibeam_extension, yoffset+stroke_width/2, midpoint+width/2+ibeam_extension, yoffset+stroke_width/2, stroke=self.insertion_color, **{"stroke-width":stroke_width}) yield from renderer.rect( midpoint-width/2, yoffset, width, self.row_height, fill=self.insertion_color, **{"stroke":"none"}) yield from renderer.line( midpoint-width/2-ibeam_extension, yoffset+self.row_height-stroke_width/2, midpoint+width/2+ibeam_extension, yoffset+self.row_height-stroke_width/2, stroke=self.insertion_color, **{"stroke-width":stroke_width}) if draw_label: yield from renderer.text(midpoint, yoffset+self.row_height*0.75, length_string, size=font_size, fill="white", **{"font-weight":"bold"}) def _draw_clipping(self, renderer, length, genome_position, yoffset): extras = {"stroke":"none"} if length >= 5: # always draw clipping, irrespective of consensus sequence or mode curstart = self.scale.topixels(genome_position-0.5) curend = self.scale.topixels(genome_position+0.5) width = max(curend-curstart, self.min_cigar_line_width*2) midpoint = (curstart+curend)/2 yield from renderer.rect(midpoint-width/2, yoffset, width, self.row_height, fill=self.clipping_color, **extras) def _draw_cigar(self, renderer, interval): """ draw mismatches/insertions/deletions and clipping """ read = if read.is_secondary: return # min_width = 2 row = self.intervals_to_rows[] yoffset = row*(self.row_height+self.margin_y) genome_position = read.reference_start sequence_position = 0 alnseq = read.query_sequence for code, length in read.cigartuples: length = int(length) if code == 0: #"M": yield from self._draw_mismatch(renderer, length, genome_position, sequence_position, yoffset, alnseq) sequence_position += length genome_position += length elif code in [2,3]: #in "D": # if not self.mismatch_counts or self.mismatch_counts.query("DEL", genome_position, genome_position+length+1): yield from self._draw_deletion(renderer, length, genome_position, yoffset) genome_position += length elif code == 1: # I # if not self.mismatch_counts or self.mismatch_counts.query("INS", genome_position-2, genome_position+2): yield from self._draw_insertion(renderer, length, genome_position, yoffset) sequence_position += length elif code in [4, 5]: #"HS": yield from self._draw_clipping(renderer, length, genome_position, yoffset) if code == 4: sequence_position += length
[docs]class PairedEndBAMTrack(SingleEndBAMTrack): """ Displays paired-end reads together (otherwise, same as :py:class:`genomeview.SingleEndBAMTrack`). Attributes: overlap_color: color used to highlight portions of read pairs that are overlapping one another """ def __init__(self, bam_path, name=None): super().__init__(bam_path, name) self.overlap_color = "lime" def layout(self, scale): if scale == self.scale: return self.scale = scale self.reset_mismatch_counts() # for chrom, start, end in self.scale.regions(): chrom, start, end = self.scale.chrom, self.scale.start, self.scale.end cur_read_coords = collections.defaultdict(list) for read in self.fetch(): if read.is_unmapped: continue cur_read_coords[read.query_name].append( (read.reference_start, read.reference_end, read.next_reference_start, read.is_proper_pair)) # a bit of hocus-pocus to deal with reads whose mates map outside of our region of interest for pair in cur_read_coords.values(): if len(pair) == 1: read_end = pair[0] if read_end[3]: pair.append((read_end[2], read_end[2])) pair.sort() for read_name, coords in sorted(cur_read_coords.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]): pair_start = coords[0][0] pair_end = coords[-1][1] interval = Interval(read_name, chrom, pair_start, pair_end) if self.draw_read_labels: interval.label = read_name self.layout_interval(interval) #self.intervals.append(interval) self.height = (len(self.rows)+1) * (self.row_height+self.margin_y) def draw_read_pair(self, renderer, reads): reads = [read for read in reads if not read.is_unmapped] if len(reads) == 0: return chrom = reads[0].reference_name row = self.intervals_to_rows[reads[0].query_name] pair_start = None if len(reads) > 1: pair_start = reads[0].reference_end pair_end = reads[-1].reference_start elif reads[0].is_proper_pair: # some more hocus-pocus to deal with reads whose mates map outside of our region of interest if reads[0].next_reference_start < reads[0].reference_start: pair_start = reads[0].next_reference_start pair_end = reads[0].reference_start else: pair_start = reads[0].reference_start pair_end = reads[0].next_reference_start if pair_start is not None: x1 = self.scale.topixels(pair_start) x2 = self.scale.topixels(pair_end) y = row*(self.row_height+self.margin_y) + self.row_height/2 # refactor yield from renderer.line(x1, y, x2, y, **{"stroke-width":1, "stroke":"gray"}) for i, read_end in enumerate(reads): interval = Interval(read_end.query_name, chrom, read_end.reference_start, read_end.reference_end, not read_end.is_reverse) if self.draw_read_labels: interval.label = "{}_{}".format(read_end.query_name, 1 if read_end.is_read1 else 2) = read_end yield from self.draw_interval(renderer, interval) if i == 1 and self.draw_read_labels: end = self.scale.topixels(read_end.reference_end) top = row*(self.row_height+self.margin_y) yield from renderer.text(end+self.label_distance, top+self.row_height, read_end.query_name, anchor="start") def render(self, renderer): read_buffer = {} for read in self.fetch(): if read.is_unmapped: continue if read.query_name in read_buffer: other_read = read_buffer.pop(read.query_name) cur_reads = [other_read, read] else: read_buffer[read.query_name] = read continue for read_end in cur_reads: yield from self.draw_read_pair(renderer, cur_reads) for read_name, read in read_buffer.items(): yield from self.draw_read_pair(renderer, [read]) for x in self.render_label(renderer): yield x
def _get_filter_fn(keyfn, value): def filter_fn(read): return keyfn(read) == value return filter_fn def get_group_by_tag_fn(tag): """ creates a grouping function based on the values of "tag", to be used by GroupedBAMTrack for example, use tag="HP" with 10x genomics data to split the view into reads from haplotype 1, haplotype 2, and those missing haplotype information """ def group_by_tag(read): if not read.has_tag(tag): return "missing" return str(read.get_tag(tag)) return group_by_tag
[docs]class GroupedBAMTrack(Track): """ Displays reads from a BAM, separated out into groups based on a feature of the reads. For example, group reads based on the value of tag. Attributes: keyfn: the function used to specify the groupings of reads. Takes as input a read (:py:class:`pysam.AlignedSegment`). bam_track_class: the class used to display each group of reads, should probably be either :class:`genomeview.bamtrack.PairedEndBAMTrack` or :class:`genomeview.bamtrack.SingleEndBAMTrack` space_between (float): the amount of space (pixels) between groups. (Default: 10) category_label_fn: a function that nicely formats the category labels. Takes as argument the result of the keyfn and should return a string. (Default: render as string) """ def __init__(self, bam_path, keyfn, bam_track_class, name=None): """ """ super().__init__(name) self.keyfn = keyfn self.bam_track_class = bam_track_class self.bam_path = bam_path self.bam = pysam.AlignmentFile(bam_path) self.subtracks = [] self.space_between = 10 self.category_label_fn = str def layout(self, scale): self.scale = scale categories = set() chrom = match_chrom_format(self.scale.chrom, self.bam.references) for read in self.bam.fetch(chrom, self.scale.start, self.scale.end): category = self.keyfn(read) categories.add(category) categories = sorted(categories) self.height = 0 for category in categories: cur_track = self.bam_track_class(self.bam_path, name=self.category_label_fn(category)) cur_track.include_read_fn = _get_filter_fn(self.keyfn, category) cur_track.layout(scale) self.height += cur_track.height + self.space_between self.subtracks.append(cur_track) def render(self, renderer): cury = 0 for subtrack in self.subtracks: subrenderer = renderer.subrenderer(y=cury, height=subtrack.height) yield from subrenderer.render(subtrack) cury += subtrack.height + self.space_between
class BAMCoverageTrack(GraphTrack): def __init__(self, bam_path, name=None): if name is None: name = os.path.basename(bam_path.split(".")[0]) super().__init__(name=name) self.bam_path = bam_path self.bam = pysam.AlignmentFile(bam_path) def layout(self, scale): import numpy as np import pandas as pd super().layout(scale) chrom = match_chrom_format(scale.chrom, self.bam.references) counts = collections.defaultdict(int) for read in self.bam.fetch(chrom, scale.start, scale.end): for i in read.get_reference_positions(): counts[i] += 1 x = np.arange(scale.start, scale.end+1) y = [] for i, curx in enumerate(x): y.append(counts[curx]) y = np.array(y) s = pd.Series(y, index=x).sort_index() s = s[(s!=s.shift(-1))|(s!=s.shift(1))] x = s.index y = s.values if len(x): self.add_series(x, y)